Evie always moved smoothly, and I ended up relying on her just about every time I had a choice.
I don’t know whether it was the particular sequences where I was playing Jacob that just made things slightly more difficult to climb and parkour, or whether Ubisoft gimped him to emphasize the quick, slick movements of his sister - which would seem an odd choice. But all the problems I had in the game with movement and climbing only appeared with Jacob. The one place where I noticed a difference between the two characters was when climbing and getting around the city. Jacob and Evie feel nearly the same in combat. It reinforces this with her outfits, which give bonus cane-sword damage, and then orients you toward lethality as a stat (since that’s what comes on those swords.) But if you really wanted to, you could just ignore those hints, equip yourself a dandy pair of brass knuckles, take all the fighting talents, and away you go. Ubisoft nudges you to consider Evie as a more stealth-oriented character. And trust me, your favorite is going to be Evie. Jacob and Evie Frye are twins, and while some missions require you to play one or the other, most offer the chance to pick your favorite. Syndicate offers the first playable female character in the series, and she’s fabulous.